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CHEM 070 First-Year Seminar: You don't have to be a rocket scientist: Home

Finding Articles

Popular Sources

These sources are not scholarly, but may give you a good idea of current research trends and topics. If you can't retrieve an article from the popular magazine, check for its availability through the library website (

Discover Magazine Scientific American
The Economist Science News
National Science Foundation - Discoveries Time Magazine
The New York Times - Science (register for access)  US News and World Report
NPR Science News Washington Post
Popular Science  

Course Texts & Materials available in the library

Writing and Citing

UNC Writing Center


  • How to write an outline (video)

  • Why and how to create an outline (Purdue OWL)


Researching in the Sciences (videos)

Author's Guide for submitting an article to the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry

MLA Formatting and Style Guide (online)

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Science Librarian

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Therese Triumph
G301E Venable Hall
Kenan Science Library

UNC Catalog Search

Scientific Websites

Design Guides for Posters & Presentations

Tutorial - Researching in the Sciences