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(Allied) Health Sciences: Faculty Resources: Getting Started in DHS

This is a guide for Allied Health Sciences faculty, with a focus on resources for new/junior faculty, mid-career faculty, and their mentors. It is also a broad, one-stop-shop for faculty at all levels.

Created by Health Science Librarians

This Guide

This guide is a collaboration of the Health Sciences Library and the Department of Health Sciences Research Advisory Committee.  

Getting Up & Running When You Arrive at DHS: Administration

In addition to meeting with your Division director, make sure to meet with Val Tan and Chris Edwards for Administrative Onboarding.  See Onboarding box on this page for additional information.   

  • Valerie "Val" Tan (Associate Chair for Administration, DHS). Val will provide much of the key administrative information you need and will point you to the departmental shared drive for additional resources.  
  • Chris Edwards, PHR (Human Resources Consultant, School of Medicine HR Service Center)
  • Suzanne Record, PHR (Human Resources Consultant, School of Medicine HR Service Center)

Introducing the DHS Office of Research & Scholarship (DHS OORS)

After meeting with your Division Director and Val Tan, contact Patty Kinneer, Managing Director of Research Support & Scholarship (contact information below) , who will connect you with research and scholarship resources and connect you with networking opportunities. The office also maintains a set of mentoring resources. 

Associate Chair for Research:  John Grose, PhD:

Managing Director of Research Support & Scholarship:  Patty Kinneer

The DHS Office of Research and Scholarship (OORS) provides an array of services for researchers and scholars: Resources

Example research support includes the following:

  • Mentoring resources
  • Budget development
  • Consultation on data security
  • Preparation of grant proposals
  • Post-award management
  • Methodological support

The OORS offers preparation of manuscripts, presentations, and other continuing education materials. The OORS hosts monthly forums highlighting best practices in research, clinical services, and teaching.

GPS (Grant Pre-Submission Notification System)One-stop online shop within DHS to help you complete your grant application correctly and on time. Alerts the OORS and ready them to provide any support you need.  Direct Link to GPS input form 

  • Who:  all faculty and students
  • What:  any grant, internal or external, even if you decide later not to submit the proposal.
  • When
    • As soon as you think about preparing an application for a specific funding agency
    • It’s never too early, but at least 30 days before the due date

DHS Methodology Consultants:

  • Wanqing Zhang, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Research Methodologist. Email:
    • Mixed Methods (Qualitative + Quantitative), Secondary Data Analysis, Health Services & Public Health Research Methods
  • Clare Harrop, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Translational Research Methodologist. Email:
    • Translational methods, combined behavioral and psychophysiological methods, Early Career grant applications (K awards, pre & postdoctoral fellowships)

Administrative Onboarding

See Val Tan or the DHS shared drive for administrative onboarding resources.   

New Employee checklist for all PERMANENT employees.

Additional Resources: 

Getting Up and Running: Clinical & Teaching

For your clinical work, in addition to your Division Director, you can consult with Lisa Johnston (Associate Chair, DAHS Clinical Services):

  • Office:  919-843-5723

For your teaching work, in addition to your Division Director, you can consult with Susan J. "Sue" Beck (Associate Chair for Academic Affairs).