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Finding News Stories: International News

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Other Countries, Regions

Korean and Chinese Newspapers at Davis

Print newspapers in Davis Library. Shelved by transliterated / Roman title in Davis Library Reference (1st floor). Library keeps latest four weeks of each.


중앙일보 //Chungang ilbo = The Korea daily.


宏觀報 //Hong guan bao = Macroview weekly.

中央日報 // Zhong yang ri bao = Central daily news

世界日報 // Shi jie ri bao = World journal East

Chinese Newspapers - 中文报纸数据库

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Google News

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Search Google News.

  • Coverage dates unknown.
  • Use the search box or select from various countries (drop-down menu at top left) to view top news around the world
  • Some articles have fees; use Interlibrary Loan to get these at no cost to you!

Directories of Newspapers

Duke has a comprehensive list of international newspapers available online at Duke. Some, but not all, available at UNC.