For online resources in the CSE/CBE 8th Edition, the URL is a required element, but the DOI is optional. However, if a DOI exists, it would be useful to include because it makes the resource easier to locate.
Journal titles must be abbreviated in citations in CSE style. Rules for journal abbreviation are complex and the correct abbreviation is not always obvious. The List of Title Word Abbreviations is searchable database of words commonly found in titles and their correct abbreviations. Additionally, a list of journal titles and their abbreviations may be found at ISI Web of Science. In the example below, the abbreviated form of the journal title Journal of Clinical Investigation is used.
Note: When citing an online article from a journal, there will be no spaces from the semicolon after "Date Accessed" through the "Pages." To see the final citation without spaces, check the Sample References Page.
In this example citation, the website has a copyright date in lieu of a publication date, as no publication date was provided.
This work is cited with an organization as its author, an abbreviation is provided immediately prior to the citation indicating how the work's name will appear when cited in-text. See the page on in-text citations in the Name-Year system for more details.