For example: (prevent OR preventing OR prevented OR prevention OR preventative) For example: ed* will return education terms, but it will also give you edema, emergency department, edition, editor, edge, edible, and other unrelated words. educat* will search for education, educating, educator, educated, educational
For example: (therapy OR therapeutic OR treatment) AND (cancer OR cancers OR neoplasm*)
For example: "enhanced recovery after surgery" OR ERAS For example: MI could refer to "myocardial infarction" or Michigan, mile, middle initial, etc.
For example: "quality of life" or "length of stay"
For example: (child OR children* OR pediatric* OR teen* OR preteen* OR adolescen* OR youth*)
Your search may need to change depending on the database you use. Some databases, such as PubMed, have a controlled vocabulary. For example, instead of using "cancer" as a MeSH term (a Medical Subject Heading), PubMed uses "neoplasms". When using their controlled vocabulary, you may receive greater accuracy in terms or the topic on which you are searching. Each database has its own set of controlled vocabulary, i.e. subject headings.
See our suggested PubMed Tutorials for assistance and more information.
Question: What effect does preoperative carbohydrate treatment, compared with preoperative fasting, have on postoperative recovery in adult patients undergoing surgery?
P = surgical patients
I = preoperative carbohydrates
C = fasting
O = recovery
Search: ("Preoperative Care"[MeSH] OR preoperative OR "pre-operative") AND ("Fasting"[MeSH] OR fasting OR NPO) AND ("Dietary Carbohydrates"[MeSH] OR carbohydrate*) AND ("Postoperative Complications"[MeSH] OR "Recovery of Function"[MeSH] OR recover*)