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Sciwheel : Inserting References into Word and Google Docs

Created by Health Science Librarians

Inserting References into Word and Google Docs

One of the most powerful features of Sciwheel is the ability to directly cite them in Microsoft Word or Google Docs while writing. Sciwheel uses add-ins to connect their product with each word processor. The following instructions cover inserting references into documents, editing or deleting citations, inserting a bibliography, and collaborating with others while writing. These instructions apply to both Microsoft Word and Google Docs. 

Insert Citations

  1. Open the Sciwheel add-in and select “Insert citations” from the menu.  
  2. Within the Sciwheel panel, you can cite references from Sciwheel, search PubMed, and look for recommended articles in Faculty Opinions.  
  3. Please note that citations will appear in a generic style until you format your citations and bibliography.

insert citations in to word or google docs

Editing and Deleting Citations

  1. When you place your cursor over the citation in your document created with Sciwheel, the corresponding reference(s) will be displayed at the bottom of the Sciwheel sidebar. 
  2. Clicking a reference in the sidebar will open a panel where you can make minor edits like removing the last name from displaying in the in-text citation, changing the format of the in-text citation.  
    • You can also link out to the citation in Sciwheel and edit the metadata in the browser to make more substantial changes. 
  3. After finishing your edits click “Update citation” to apply any changes. 
  4. To delete a citation either click the “X” next to the reference in the sidebar or select and delete the full inline citation as you would any other text.  
  5. Please note that if you have multiple references cited in one place you will need to delete them one by one (using the “X”) if you do not want to delete the entire citation. 

edit citation in word

Insert Bibliography

  1. Open the Sciwheel add-in menu and select “Format citations and bibliography” 
  2. Select your chosen style and click “Update citations and bibliography.”  
  3. All citations will be formatted according to the selected style and a bibliography will be inserted at the end of the document. 
  4. You can find more options by selecting “More styles” from the list and searching our database by the style name. Highlight it, click "Add style" and it will appear in the list. 

Please note that new citations inserted in the document afterwards will have the default style (author, year) and will not appear in the bibliography automatically. You will need to go and click “Update citations and bibliography” again for them to be included. 

formatting citations and bibliography

Working Collaboratively

  • If you're working on a Word document with collaborators, it's important that all collaborators have the same references in their library.
  • If a collaborator has inserted a citation for a reference that you don't have, it can cause formatting issues.
  • Using a shared project that all collaborators are a part of and only inserting citations from references in the shared project can help to avoid citation issues.