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Sciwheel : Adding References

Created by Health Science Librarians

Add References Using Browser Extension

The Sciwheel browser extension allows you to quickly save articles to your library. It also allows you to add notes to articles directly to Sciwheel. Instructions on downloading the browser extension are available on our Create and Set Up Account page

  1. Browse scholarly research database (i.e., PubMed). 
  2. Click on the Sciwheel browser extension icon in your browser. 
  3. Select the detected references you wish to save.  
  4. Choose a project to save them in and then Click “Add Item” 

Image of adding references with the browser extension

Add References with a File Upload

  1. From the "References" tab, click "Import References" at the top-left of the page and then select the appropriate option in the popup which appears.  
  2. References can be added by uploading RIS, BIB, NBIB, MEDLINE and EndNote XML files.  

uploading references using a file upload

Add References from a PDF, DOI, PMID, or Other Document Identifier

  1. From the "References" tab, click "Import References" at the top-left of the page and then select the appropriate option in the popup which appears.  
  2. References can also be added by inserting one of the supported unique identifiers; DOI, PMCID, PMID or ISBN. When you select multiple you can add a list of DOIs or PMCIDs, separated by spaces, comma, semicolons or |.  

uploading references from pdfs or identifiers

Adding References from Another Citation Manager

You can import references from other citation mangers if switching to Sciwheel. Detailed instructions on importing from Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, or Refworks can be found in Sciwheel’s help materials at

  1. From the "References" view, click "Import References" at the top-left of the page and then "Create reference manually" at the bottom of the popup which appears.  
  2. Choose the reference type from the dropdown list and the fields shown will change accordingly.  
  3. Once you've entered the reference details, click  "Add" and the reference will be created. You can then view the reference, add a full text or web link and PDF to it, or cite it with our various plugins as you would any other reference. 

uploading references from other citation managers

Add a Reference Manually

  1. From the "References" view, click Import References at the top-left of the page and then "Create reference manually" at the bottom of the popup which appears.  
  2. Choose the reference type from the dropdown list and the fields shown will change accordingly.  
  3. Once you've entered the reference details, click "Add" and the reference will be created. You can then view the reference, add a full text or web link and PDF to it, or cite it with our various plugins as you would any other reference. 

uploading references manually