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Sciwheel : Manage References

Created by Health Science Librarians

Edit an Existing Reference

  1. Existing references can be edited by selecting your chosen reference and then clicking the three dots on the top right of the page and selecting the “Edit” button. 
  2. You will then see tabs such as "Update with DOI, PMID or PMCID", "Edit metadata", and “Request metadata changes”.  
  3. Select the tab that best fits your needs to make any edits.  

editing a citation in Sciwheel

Please note: if you see edits need to be made after inserting them into a Word or Google Doc, follow the instructions above to make the changes to the metadata, and then reformat your bibliography. Edits need to be made in Sciwheel to save, as opposed to directly in Word or Google Docs. 

edit metadata of a Sciwheel citation


You can create two types of tags in Sciwheel: 

  • Private tags: These can be added to any reference in your library. Only you will be able to see them 
  • Shared tags: These can only be created in a shared project (or when viewing a reference that's in a shared project). All members of the shared project will be able to see them 

Creating tags

You can create a tag in the following ways: 

  • When in list view, add a tag to a reference by clicking  underneath it 
  • When in list or grid view, drag a tag onto a reference from the list at the bottom of the left menu to add it 
  • When in list or grid view, select references using the checkboxes and click  tag icon to add a common tag. When creating a new tag you can toggle between a private and shared tag by clicking group icon  
  • When viewing the full details of a reference by clicking in the private/shared tag area 

Filtering by tags 

Click a tag in the left menu to filter your references by that tag. You can filter by multiple tags at once and filter references without any tags. 

Remove tags 

You can remove an individual tag from any reference by clicking on the x icon at the end of the tag label. This will work in both list and grid views. 

To remove tags in bulk, select the references you want to be updated and then click  Remove tags in the more options button dropdown. You'll be able to search for a specific tag from the list, or select all tags. When ready, click Remove and the selected tags will be removed from selected references. 

Searching, Filtering, or Sorting References

  1. When viewing your references, you can search them using the search bar at the top-right of the page; to search by specific reference fields or properties click the arrow to the right of this bar.  
  2. If you have tagged your references you will be able to filter them by clicking the tag in the left panel.  
  3. Clicking any column header in grid view will sort by that column, or clicking Sort by in list view allows you to view references sorted by Title, First author, Last author, Published date, Added date (to Sciwheel) or Journal name.

Moving or Copying References

Copying a reference allows you to add the reference to multiple projects. Moving a reference removes the reference from the original project and adds it to another one.

  1. Select the references you'd like to copy by clicking the checkbox.
  2. Click the box icon at the top of the page.

box icon

        3. Click "Copy to" and choose the folder.

copy references

Generating a Bibliography (Reference List)

  1. Select the references you'd like to include in a bibliography or reference list by clicking the checkboxes of each.
  2. Click the box icon at the top of the page.​​​​​​​more options icon​​​​​​​
  3. Select the references you want and then click "Generate bibliography" in the dropdown. You'll be able to search and choose from Sciwheel's extensive list of styles and can see an example of how a reference will appear. When ready, click "Generate" and the references will be downloaded in an HTML file for you to use as you wish (just open it in your browser). 

generate a bibliography in Sciwheel

Add Notes to References and PDFs

Notes are highlights and/or comments you have made on a reference either using the Sciwheel browser extension or directly on the Sciwheel site. They will be shared with any collaborators if the reference is in a shared project. 

Private notes can be added to a reference on the Sciwheel site and will not be shared with your collaborators. 

image of adding notes to pdfs