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Dentistry: Faculty Resources

Created by Health Science Librarians

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Dentistry Librarian

Profile Photo
Emily Jones, MLIS, AHIP
she/her/hers can provide help through email, chat, or phone
(919) 966-0963
Health Sciences Library
335 S. Columbia Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7585

*Please note, I have a hybrid work schedule and the days I work on-campus vary each week. Please email for my next on-campus availability, or schedule a virtual meeting directly on my calendar any time by clicking the button above.

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UNC Libraries is your academic partner, offering comprehensive support to enhance your scholarly endeavors. We partner on:

  • Teaching & Instruction: Provides course-embedded instruction, as well as individualized consultations specific to your needs.
  • Research Support: Provides expert search services, research consultations, and partners on systematic reviews and visualization projects.
  • Scholarly Communications: Aids in open access, copyright, and research impact strategies.

Our librarians provide personalized assistance tailored to your discipline and needs. From literature reviews to data management plans, we're here to streamline your workflow and amplify your scholarly impact. Contact your librarian about how they can support you today!

Most Popular Services

Teaching & Instruction

Library Instruction

We offer tailored research instruction sessions to support your course assignments and enhance your students' information literacy skills. We provide customized sessions aligned with your course objectives, covering topics such as:

  • Searching databases and finding evidence-based resources.
  • Conducting quality systematic reviews and other literature-based scholarship.
  • Using research tools like Covidence, Sciwheel, and Endnote.
  • Properly citing sources.

To ensure the best learning outcomes for your students:

  1. Please schedule sessions at least three weeks in advance.
  2. Provide course assignments or syllabus at the time of scheduling.
  3. We prefer to tailor instruction to a specific assignment or project in the course. We offer general library instruction sessions, but find they are more effective when delivered close to an assignment deadline when students most need the material. 

Contact Emily directly to discuss integrating library instruction into your course.

Research Support


UNC Librarians partner across all phases of the research lifecycle, including publishing. We can help with:

  • Citing and writing.
  • Choosing where to publish.
  • Crafting word choice for your abstract so it's more likely to appear in literature searches.
  • Conducting literature searches for your research.

Contact your librarian to see how we can support you in publishing your research!

Systematic Reviews

HSL librarians are experts in conducting systematic and scoping reviews and participate in research teams during multiple steps, including:

  • Conducting pre-review tasks.
  • Executing literature searches across multiple databases.
  • Managing citations using reference management software.
  • Assisting with project management of literature screening using Covidence.
  • Contributing to publication including methods section, PRISMA diagram, and supplementary materials.

Research Impact

HSL Librarians can provide strategies for maximizing your research visibility and impact. We offer individualized support and services for:

  • Enhancing discoverability: Ensure sure your research is widely accessible through techniques like strategic abstract writing, choosing journals widely indexed, sharing open access versions in our institutional repository, and more.
  • Choosing where to publish: Get guidance on choosing journals and open access options.
  • Measuring your impact (individual and programmatic level): Track citation metrics and altmetrics to quantify your research output.

We offer personalized consultations to help you navigate the evolving scholarly landscape. Take your research to the next level - schedule an appointment with your librarian!

Data Support & Services

The UNC Libraries' Data Services team is your partner in harnessing the full potential of your research data. They can help with:

  • Data Collection & Management: Ensuring your data is preserved and widely accessible, as well as receive assistance with finding and purchasing data.
  • Research & Analysis: Using programming languages and other software to ensure your data is ready for analysis, and includes text and data mining services.
  • Storytelling & Visualization: Transforming complex data into compelling visual narratives. This also includes understanding and communicating your research impact, on individual or programmatic levels.

Our librarians offer tailored support at every stage of your data journey. Whether you're preserving data from a research project, analyzing large datasets, or communicating data through visualizations, we're here to elevate your research. 

Contact UNC Libraries' Data Services today!

Scholarly Communications

Copyright & Usage

Copyright is a vital consideration in regards to sharing and recognizing created material. The Library supports the Copyright Policy of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a guide for faculty, students, and staff in their pursuit of scholarly work.

Author's Rights

Traditionally, authors have often transferred their copyrights to publishers upon publication. This transfer can significantly restrict your future use and distribution of your own work.

However, a growing trend in academia emphasizes authors maintaining greater control over their intellectual property. This shift is driven by several factors:

  1. Open Access: Desire to make research freely available for educational purposes or wider dissemination.
  2. Reuse Rights: Ability to permit specific forms of reuse by other scholars or in various contexts.
  3. Long-term Flexibility: Ensuring future options for your work's use and distribution.

The key to preserving these rights lies in careful examination of your publishing agreements. We strongly recommend:

  • Thoroughly reading all publishing contracts
  • Understanding the specific rights you're granting or retaining
  • Negotiating terms when possible
  • Retaining copies of all signed agreements for future reference

By being proactive about copyright, you can better align your publication strategy with your long-term academic goals and the evolving landscape of scholarly communication.

Open Access

The University Libraries supports open access publishing and encourage the widest possible access to scholarly research. There are two ways that research can be openly accessible. 

  • Gold Open Access: When publishers make articles openly available at the time of publishing. For example, a journal like PLOS One that immediately provides free access to its articles.
  • Green Open Access: When the author is allowed to archive or share a specific version of their work to an open access repository, like the Carolina Digital Repository. For example, a journal may not provide open access to the final published PDF version of your article, but may allow you to upload a Word file of the accepted version to your institutional repository. While the final PDF version is not openly accessible or shareable, the Word file uploaded to the repository is - thus increasing the discoverability and reach of your work.

Other Faculty Support Resources at UNC