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Legal Treatises by Subject

In this guide you will find general resources for various fields of law arranged alphabetically.

Criminal Law and Procedure

Criminal Practice Manual. Eagan, MN : Thomson/West, 2004- (2024 Update) [KF9619 .C75] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This practice manual is aimed at criminal defense attorneys, and is intended to analyze the substance of the law, discuss significant new developments in the law, and to provide practitioners with techniques, strategies for winning cases, forms and checklists.  It is organized in order of typical criminal matters from initial appearance to sentencing.

Hall, John Wesley, Jr. Search and Seizure. 5th ed. New Providence, NJ : LexisNexis, 2013- (2023 Update) [KF9630 .H6 2012] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Written for trial lawyers and judges, this resource focuses on search and seizure issues that arise in criminal matters.  In addition to substantive analysis, it contains practice tips, checklists, and concise discussion of various aspects of search and seizure aimed at practicing attorneys.

Randall, Samuel J. et al. Criminal Procedure in North Carolina. 5th ed. Newark, NJ : LexisNexis, 2022 (2023 Update) [KFN7975 .J693] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This manual contains analysis and explanation of criminal rules of procedure, including relevant case law which impacts interpretation or application of those rules.  Other material, including practical and ethical considerations, gives attorneys guidance on issues that could impact the trail process.

LaFave, Wayne, R. et al. Criminal Procedure. 6th ed. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2017- [KF9619 .L341 2017 (2019-20 Update)) (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via West Academic to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].

Criminal Procedure provides analysis of all aspects of criminal procedure.  It begins with an introduction to the criminal justice process and criminal procedure, then addresses various criminal rules according to the usual order of criminal proceedings, from detection and investigation of crimes to trial and appeals.

LaFave, Wayne R. Substantive Criminal Law. 3rd ed. Eagan, MN : Thompson Reuters, 2017- (2024-25 Update) [KF9219 .L86 2017] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This resource presents the substantive information on criminal law, with particular emphasis on the elements of common criminal offenses.  It covers all state jurisdictions and discusses the Model Penal Code.

James Wm. Moore. Moore's Federal Practice (Criminal). 3rd ed. Daniel R. Coquillette, et al., editors. New York, NY : M. Bender, 1997- [KF8820.A313 M66 3rd (2018 Update)] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].

Moore’s Federal Practice is a preeminent treatise on federal criminal and civil procedure, rules of evidence, rules of appellate procedure, and rules of the Supreme Court.

Price, Ronald M. North Carolina Criminal Trial Practice Forms. 6th ed. Eagan, MN : West, 2011- [KFN7975.A65 P741 (2022-23 Update)] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].

This resource is primarily comprised of forms which can be adapted for many criminal trial situations.  Forms are organized according to the chronology of the criminal case, and were either issued by the Administrative Office of the Courts or written by experienced attorneys.  Other materials include attorney checklists and a few explanatory notes.

Ohlin, Jens D. Wharton’s Criminal Law. 16th ed. Eagan, MN : Thomson Reuters, 2021- (2024-25 Supplement) [KF9219 .W43 2021] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Wharton’s Criminal Law covers the substance of criminal law in both state and federal jurisdictions.  After a general overview of criminal law principles, this source organizes its analysis of criminal activity into seven categories of offenses: offenses against the person, against morals, against the habitation, against property, against public peace and welfare, against public authority and government, and inchoate offenses.  The Model Penal Code is discussed as well.

Hertz, Randy and Liebman, James S. Federal Habeas Corpus Practice and Procedure. San Francisco, CA : LexisNexis, 2015- [KF9011 .L532 (2023 Update)] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)]. 

This treatise consists of practical advice and analysis of U.S. Supreme Court cases and includes comprehensive coverage of statutes of limitations, petition filing requirements, appointment of counsel, range and types of discovery, standards for obtaining federal evidentiary hearings, range and types of discovery, etc.  

Robinson, Paul H. Criminal Law Defenses. St. Paul, MN : Thomson Reuters, 1984- (2024 Update) [KF9240 .R63] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This treatise assists with effective representation of defendants by providing defenses recognized by statutes and case law of every state. This treatise helps readers to discover whether a particular defense is available to a client, and assess the potential and the limitations of more than 60 commonly employed defenses, covering virtually every criminal law defense statute. 

Podgor, Ellen S. et al. White Collar Crime. 2nd ed. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2018 [KF9350 .P629 2018] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via West Academic to UNC Students and Faculty]. 

This one-volume treatise provides an in-depth analysis of substantive and procedural aspects of white collar crime. Offenses analyzed include conspiracy, fraud, corruption, RICO, false statements, perjury, tax, currency reporting, bankruptcy, environmental and computer crimes. 

Brenner, Susan W. and Shaw, Lori E. Federal Grand Jury : A Guide to Law and Practice. 2nd ed. Eagan, MN : Thomson/West Publishing Company, 2006- (2023-24 Update) [KF9642 .B73] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This treatise provides a step-by-step guide to the federal grand jury process, and provides information on issues such as clients' rights, challenges, special privileges available to a witness, the structure and functions of federal grand juries, how a grand jury is selected and how long it serves. 
