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Legal Treatises by Subject

In this guide you will find general resources for various fields of law arranged alphabetically.

Civil Practice and Procedure

Federal Procedure, Lawyer’s Edition. St. Paul, MN : West Group, 1981- (2023 Supplement) [KF8835 .F43 1981] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].

This comprehensive guide attempts to canvas every area and aspect of practicing in federal court. There are 80 chapters, arranged alphabetically, that cover everything from procedural matters (e.g. administrative procedure, contempt, discovery and depositions, and witnesses) to subject areas ruled by federal law (e.g. atomic energy, copyrights, patents, railroads, and telecommunications).

Friedenthal, Jack H. et al. Civil Procedure. 5th ed., St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2015. [KF8840 .F72 2015] (Reserve Room) [6th ed., St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2021 Available electronically via West Academic to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This treatise covers the basic rules, principles and issues surrounding civil procedure in both federal and state courts.

Moore, James William et al. Moore's Manual : Federal Practice and Procedure. Albany : M. Bender, 1962- (2008 Supplement) [KF8820.A313]  [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)]

In Moore’s Manual, a section on judicial powers and the organization of the federal judicial system introduces the topic broadly, and then the treatise examines the rules of procedure and practice in the typical order of a legal action. It canvases federal civil procedure and evidence at all stages of the trail process from choice of jurisdiction through completion of a trail, appeals and jurisdictional reconsideration.

Moore’s Manual is an abridged version of the complete Moore's Federal Practice (Civil), [KF8820.A313 M66 3rd] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. Moore’s Federal Practice is a preeminent treatise on federal criminal and civil procedure, rules of evidence, rules of appellate procedure, and rules of the Supreme Court.

Nichols, Clark A., et al. Nichols Cyclopedia of Federal Procedure. Wilmette, IL : Callaghan, 1952- (2019 Supplement) [KF8835 .C931 1952] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This resource is comprehensive in scope and includes criminal procedure as well as civil procedure in the federal courts. It is organized into five parts: Courts, Jurisdiction and General Considerations; Trail Court Practice in Civil Proceedings Generally; Federal Criminal Procedure; Appeal and Review; and Particular Actions and Proceedings (e.g. injunctions, creditor’s actions, etc.).

Wilson, G. Gray. North Carolina Civil Procedure. Newark, NJ : LexisNexis, 2020 [KFN7930 .G73 2020] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty2023 Update)].

Designed as a reference for practicing trial lawyers, this treatise gives an overview of major case law applying and interpreting civil rules of procedure. Some discussion of federal rules and cases is also included where relevant.

Woodlief, Alan D. Shuford North Carolina Civil Practice and Procedure. Eagan, MN : Thomson Reuters/West, 2012- (2023-24 Supplement) [KFN7930 .S532] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Shuford’s NC Civil Practice and Procedure contains analysis of major case law developments that impact the NC Rules of Civil Procedure as well as the full text of the rules for civil actions as well as appeals. The analysis also includes comparison of NC rules with Federal rules and current trends in court rulings.

Wright, Charles Alan et al. Federal Practice and Procedure. St. Paul, MN : West Pub. Co., 1969- (2023 Supplement) [KF8840 .W68 1969] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This practical treatise is meant to be a comprehensive guide to all rules of procedure when practicing before the federal courts. It includes discussion of Criminal, Civil, and Evidence rules as well as jurisdiction and judicial review of administrative actions. It includes a handbook discussing the ins and outs of the federal judicial system and supplemental material updating the treatise’s contents.
