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Legal Treatises by Subject

In this guide you will find general resources for various fields of law arranged alphabetically.

Administrative Law

Gidiere III, P. Stephen. The Federal Information Manual. Chicago : American Bar Association, 2013 [KF5753 .G53 2013] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty]

This resource examines how the government collects, manages, and discloses information under FOIA and other statutes. It includes an overview of agency collection of information as well as records management and access to records. Sections on successful requests, reasons for withholding of federal records, and records litigation give a general sense of the types of information that is produced with requests. Relevant primary sources are cited, including a number of official online sources and web pages.

Koch, Charles. Administrative Law and Practice. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN : West, 2010 (2024 Update) [KF5407 .K63 2010] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This practice guide treatise—aimed at administrative law attorneys—explores all of the ways that attorneys interact with administrative systems on the federal and state level. The first part examines internal procedures, such as agency rulemaking, and the second part deals with external controls, such as judicial review. Each section contains extensive analysis with cited cases and relevant supporting law.

Lubbers, Jeffrey S. A Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking. 6th ed. Chicago : American Bar Association, Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, 2018 [KF5411 .L85 2018].

This work focuses on the complex procedures and rules which govern agency rule-making. It cites to the statutory framework of these procedures as well as case law, executive orders and other primary law which impacts rulemaking.

Pierce, Richard J. et al. Administrative Law Treatise. New York : Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Aspen Publishers, 2018- (2024 Update) [Available electronically via VitalLaw to UNC Chapel Hill Students and Faculty].

This annually updated, practice-oriented treatise focuses on developments and trends in administrative law in addition to analysis of primary law. Pierce also covers procedural questions and agency discretionary power.

Stein, Jacob A. et al. Administrative Law. Newark, NJ : Matthew Bender & Company, 2000-  (2024 Update) [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This treatise examines the procedure of federal administrative law and the administrative process. It begins with some historical and background information before discussing agency organization, public information, rules and rulemaking, investigations, evidence, hearings, and judicial review among other topics.

West’s Federal Administrative Practice. Eagan, MN : Thompson/West Pub. Co., 2006- (2024 Update) [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Designed as a practical guide for attorneys, this treatise is intended to aid in handling matters before Federal departments and administrative agencies. It is organized around subjects of administrative law, including Workers’ Compensation, Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, Public Health and Welfare, and Federal Criminal Procedure among others. The first section outlines the organization of the federal government. Each section includes analysis, explanation, and citations to relevant statutory and case law.
