Annotated Model Rules of Professional Conduct . Bennett, Ellen J. et al., editors. 10th ed. Chicago, IL : Center for Professional Responsibility, American Bar Association, 2023 [KF305 .A26 2023] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
This work contains analysis and commentary regarding the Model Rules on which many state rules of professional conduct are based.
Mallen, Ronald E. and Smith, Jeffrey M. Legal Malpractice. Eagan, MN : Thomson West, 2005- (2024 Update) [KF313 .M29] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
This work takes the time to analyze malpractice, offering discussion of prevention and insurance issues.
Rotunda, Ronald D. and Dzienkowski, John S. Legal Ethics : The Lawyer's Deskbook on Professional Responsibility. St. Paul, MN : West Group, 2000- (2023-24 Update) [KF306 .L44] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
This work provides analysis and commentary on the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. It also includes citation to relevant case law and the Restatement of the Law 3d - The Law Governing Lawyers.
Hazard, Geoffrey C., Jr. et al. Law of Lawyering. 4th ed. New York, NY : Wolters Kluwer, 2014- (2024 Update) [Available electronically via VitalLaw to UNC Students and Faculty].
This treatise shows how to approach concrete problems that arise in everyday practice while staying within the letter and spirit of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. It provides the full text of each Model Rule provision in sequence, followed by the authors' guidance and commentary, which puts the rule into context, helps identify its key features, and shows its relation to other Rules and the ALI's Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers.
Geyh, Charles Gardener et al. Judicial Conduct and Ethics. 6th ed. New York, NY : Matthew Bender & Company, 2020- [KF8779 .S47] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2023 Update)].
This treatise addresses the complete spectrum of judicial conduct, including uses and abuses of judicial power, judicial demeanor, disqualification, ex parte communications, case management, financial activities and disclosure, civic and charitable activities, personal conduct, political activities, civil and criminal liability, methods of discipline and removal, and disability and retirement.