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Legal Treatises by Subject

In this guide you will find general resources for various fields of law arranged alphabetically.

Employment Law

Jernigan, Leonard T. North Carolina Workers' Compensation: Law and Practice with Forms. 5th ed. St. Paul, MN : Thomson West, 2018- (2024 Update) [KFN7742 .J47 2018] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This treatise, written for general practitioners, provides an overview of Workers’ Compensation law in North Carolina.  It includes, among others, chapters on procedural matters such as jurisdiction, discovery and statutes of limitations.  It also covers substantive matters such as special injuries, death benefits, hearing loss, and occupational diseases.  Forms are also included.

Lareau, Peter N. Labor and Employment Law. Matthew Bender & Company, 2013- (2024 Update) [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Labor and Employment Law covers many areas of interest, including employment discrimination, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Pensions and Benefits, Wages and Hours, Arbitration and other, general employment law provisions.

Larson, Lex K. et al. Employment Discrimination. 2nd ed. New York, NY : M. Bender, 1994- [KF3464 .L37 2nd (2017 Update)] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].

This text covers most areas of employment discrimination law, including discrimination based on sex, race, religion, and national origin.  It also covers narrower areas of employment discrimination, including discrimination over employee heath (AIDS discrimination), sexual orientation, and genetic discrimination.

Lindemann, Barbara T. Employment Discrimination Law. 5th ed. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2012 (2017 Supplement) [KF3464 .L56 2012]  (Reserve Room) [ 7th ed. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg Law, 2023 Available electronically via Bloomberg Law to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This comprehensive treatise covers theories of discrimination, prohibited bases of discrimination, employment actions, the parties, procedural issues, other sources of protection, and remedies and resolution.  It focuses primarily on federal law, including case law and legislation.

Perritt, Henry H., Jr. Civil Rights in the Workplace. 5th ed. New York, NY : Wolters Kluwer, 2020 [KF3464 .P482 5th] [Available electronically via VitalLaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

Written for attorneys—both plaintiff and defense counsel—this work covers all aspects of civil rights as they are protected in the employment context, particularly with respect to litigation.  By examining legislation, case law and other primary law, this work purports to be an up to date and comprehensive source.

Rothstein, Mark A. et al. Employment Law. 6th ed. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2019 [KF3455 .E477 2019] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via West Academic to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This treatise is organized through the employment relationship, from offer to termination.  It does not cover employee organization or collective bargaining.  As a work aimed at students with little experience in the topic, citations are kept to a minimum to avoid overwhelming readers and to focus on the basic principles.

The Developing Labor Law : The Board, the Courts, and the National Labor Relations Act. 7th ed. John E. Higgins, Jr., editor-in-chief. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2017- (2019 Supplement) [KF3369 .D48] [8th ed. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2022- (2023 Update) Available electronically via Bloomberg Law to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This treatise gives labor and employment law practitioners essential insight into all the latest updates in U.S. labor law. It covers the legal rights and duties of employees, employers, and unions, as well as procedures and remedies under the National Labor Relations Act. Updated regularly, it discusses major cases and what might be expected from the Board in the future. 

The Fair Labor Standards Act. 3rd ed. Ellen C. Kearns et al., editors-in-chief. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2015- (2019 Supplement) [KF3484.528 .F35] [4th ed. Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2020- (2023 Update) Available electronically via Bloomberg Law to UNC Law Students and Faculty]. 

This treatise is an essential tool for helping practitioners understand FLSA coverage and exemptions. With this resource, counsel can make informed decisions about why and how to proceed on a particular course for clients. It provides point-by-point evaluations of each FLSA exemption and discusses issues including collective action litigation brought under the FLSA by individual plaintiffs, "hybrid" actions involving both state and federal law claims, and elements of enforcement actions and litigation brought by the Secretary of Labor. 
