Holding, Graham D. et al. BB&T Estate Planning Forms Manual. Raleigh, NC : BB&T Corporation, 2016 [KFN7540 .H64 2016] (Reserve Room).
This North Carolina estate planning manual contains primarily forms with sample language and brief introductions for context. There are multiple versions for many of the types of will forms included. Types of forms include those for simple wills, for pour-over wills, and for various trusts among others.
Manning, Jerome A. et al. Manning on Estate Planning. 7th ed. New York, NY : Practising Law Institute, 2013- (2019 Update) [KF749 .M36 7th] [8th ed. 2023- (2024 Update) Available electronically via PLI Discover Plus with a UNC Onyen and password].
Manning on Estate Planning is a practical guide to planning wills and estates, with chapters on getting started, making gifts, generation skipping, life insurance, retirement benefits, business interest, choosing executors and trustees, and other topics of interest. It covers both state and federal law, as well as citing to useful secondary material.
McLaughlin, James B. and Bowser, Richard T. Wiggins Wills and Administration of Estates in North Carolina. 5th ed. Eagan, MN : Thomson West, 2020- [KFN7544 .W54 2020 (2023-24 Update)] (Reserve Room) [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].
This volume, which focuses on North Carolina estates, discusses the history of the law as well as the present administration of estates. Wiggins Wills analyzes current implications of federal, state, and local taxes on wills, as well as legislative changes and trends. Topics covered include: holographic and nuncupative wills; capacity; fraud and mistake; execution, attestation and revocation of wills; and probate, among others.
McGovern, William M. et al. Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Including Taxation and Future Interests. 5th ed. St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, 2017 [KF755 .M34 2017] (Reserve Room) [6th ed. 2021 Available electronically via West Academic to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
Wills, Trusts, and Estates emphasizes the Uniform Probate Code and Uniform Trust Code in its analysis of many topics within this body of law. It examines the law in historical context, and also notes ongoing trends and changes in the law.
Page, William Herbert. Page on the Law of Wills : Including Probate, Will Contests, Evidence, Taxation, Conflicts, Estate Planning, Forms, and Statutes Relating to Wills. 4th ed. Rev. treatise by William J. Bowe and Douglas Parker. Cincinnati : W.H. Anderson Co. 1960- (2024 Update) [KF755 .P33 1960] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
This comprehensive treatise covers topics such as the history of wills, elements of wills, capacity, what can be disposed of in a will, probate, construction, tax and debts, and others. Federal and state law is examined.
Price, John R. and Donaldson, Samuel A. Price on Contemporary Estate Planning. Chicago, IL : CCH, 2006- (2020 Update) [KF750 .P75].
This single-volume estate planning resource contains practical tips for practice as well as analysis of major issues in estate planning.
Bogert, George Gleason et al. The Law of Trusts and Trustees. 3rd ed. St. Paul, MN : West Publishing Company, 2000- (2024 Update) [KF730 .B63] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].
This treatise covers the entire field of modern trust uses and illustrates how to plan an estate as well as various uses of trusts in personal estate planning and in business and commercial arrangements. Regularly updated, it includes: the latest key developments in law, techniques relating to estate and tax planning with trusts, citations to all cases supporting the text, practical guidance on how to proceed under particular circumstances, references to pertinent state and federal statues, forms to assure completeness and accuracy when drafting trust instruments.
Westfall, David et al. Estate Planning Law and Taxation. 4th ed. Valhalla, NY : Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 2001- [KF6584 .W47 (2014 Update)] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty (2024 Update)].
This practical, hands-on guide focuses on the tax consequences of estate planning decision, and provides direction on prudent income, gift, estate, and generation-skipping tax management.