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Legal Treatises by Subject

In this guide you will find general resources for various fields of law arranged alphabetically.

Education Law

Rapp, James A. Education Law. New York, NY : M. Bender, 1984- (2019 Supplement) [KF4115 .R37 1984] [Available electronically via Lexis+ to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

A fairly comprehensive treatise, this work examines a variety of legal issues surrounding education.  Issues covered include: “Religion, State and Education,” funding, student safety, student control and discipline, records management, intellectual property, and general liabilities among others.

McCarthy, Martha M. et al. Public School Law: Teachers’ and Students’ Rights. 7th ed. Boston : Pearson, 2014 [KF4119 .M38 2014] (Davis Library, 6th Floor).

Written for practitioners, it succinctly but comprehensively addresses landmark cases, context, and trends impacting rights of students and teachers in public schools.

Schneider, Ronna Greff. Education Law: First Amendment, Due Process and Discrimination Litigation. Eagan, MN : Thomson/West, 2004-  (2019-2020 Supplement) [KF4119 .S364 2004] [Available electronically via Westlaw to UNC Law Students and Faculty].

This treatise’s primary focus is on teachers’ and students’ freedom of speech and religion in public schools and restraints on freedoms.  It also analyzes school discipline and violence and issues of equality.  The treatise contains forms, sample pleadings, and other practice materials.
